The rainbow is an amazing and beautiful phenomenon, one that mesmerizes us every time it appears. Rain did not occur before the Flood, rather a mist watered the earth (Gen. 2:5, 6). The Flood brought a drastic atmospheric change, allowing falling water droplets to form, each of which acts as a prism, dividing sunlight into the varied colors of the optical spectrum, most commonly listed in Newton's sevenfold order—red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet—and remembered by the popular mnemonics "Roy G. Biv" and "Richard Of York Gave Battle In Vain."
As we continue tomorrow, we will meditate on the three rainbows mentioned in Scripture and how they will help us through the storms of life. For today, let us simply be reminded of the faithfulness of God's promises, not to mention His grace (April 6) in saving Noah and his family (Gen. 6:8). Even in wrath there is mercy.
Scriptures for Study: We find the phrase "found grace" eighteen times in the OT. Rejoice today in the following examples: Genesis 19:19; 33:10; 39:4; Exodus 33:12, 13, 16, 17.
A Hebrew Word for the Day: Key Words from the Old Testament.
The movie "Corpus Christi "is due to be released this June to August. It is a disgusting film set to appear in America later this year which depicts Jesus and his disciples as homosexuals! As a play, this has already been in theaters for a while. It's called "Corpus Christi" which means "The Body of Christ". It's a revolting mockery of our Lord. But we Christians can make a difference.That's why I am sending this e-mail to you. If you do send this around, we just might be abl e to prevent this film from being shown in Australia, Canada and America etc. Let's stand for what we believe and stop the mockery of Jesus Christ our Savior. Where do we stand as Christians? I am forwarding this to all I think will respect and appreciate being informed. Please help us prevent such offenses against our Lord. There is no petition to sign, no time limit, or minimum number of people to send this to. It will take you less than 2 minutes! If you are not int...
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