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ON VETERAN'S DAY... the President lays a wreath and gives a speech; our politicians tell us how much they value our sacrifice and service to our country; there are parades and flags waving; and free donuts, oil changes, and breakfast for Veterans... 
I picked this day to make Americans aware of the Blue Water Navy because it is a day that America comes together to thank us for our service... and we, especially Vietnam Veterans, appreciate it.
Most of you are not aware that there are many of us Vietnam Veterans that served on board ships and were inadvertently exposed to Agent Orange and are suffering from its effects but are not considered for disability benefits through the Veteran's Administration... they consider us the Blue Water Navy Veterans.
We, Blue Water Veterans, were exposed to Agent Orange through drinking water that was distilled/desalinated but not cleansed of Agent Orange contaminated water and the US Government has been aware if it since 2006 (see…/AgentOrangeShipb…). We were also exposed to contaminated food, stores, and ammunition that were delivered to our ships by ships that were loaded with these items in Vietnam ports, where they were warehoused, loaded on ships, and then delivered to the Blue Water Fleet.
Rembember, we had no idea that we were being exposed to Agent Orange and there were no preventative measures in place to decontaminate and limit our exposure. When we received open crates of food and boxed stores that were contminated with Agent Orange... they weren't decontaminated... they were handled by cooks and others in the onboard supply chain. That contamination was then carried by those Veterans on their bodies, clothing, bedding, and eventually in the food we ate and air we breathed. 
Congress has turned its back on us, the Blue Water Navy Veterans, in spite of the evidence that we were exposed and suffering the consequences of that exposure. Our Country asked us to serve our country, and we did... many of us returned, but too many of us didn't. We have been waiting since 2006 for Congress to move on the Blue Water Legislation...
Vietnam Veterans are dying at a rate of 390 veterans per day (…) at a rate 17% faster than other war veterans who served in Korea, Germany, or the United States (
The Blue Water Navy Vietnam Veterans Act was introduced in the House by Rep. Chris Gibson (D-NY) along with the signatures of 131 strongly bipartisan original co-sponsors on February 13, 2015. HR-969 is currently being held in Committee by Rep. Jeff Miller because he has stated he doesn't believe "the science" supports any Blue Water Navy exposure. 
S-681 was introduced in the Senate by Senators Gillibrand and Danes. It is currently being held in Committee by Sen. Johnny Isakson because he doesn't believe the legislation can be paid for.
If Congress holds up the bill long enough maybe enough of us will die to make it AFFORDABLE! Then they can pass the bill and pat themselves on the back and tell us how great they are for looking out for our Veterans!
For more information about the Blue Water Navy:
Ralph Keller
Vietnam Blue Water Navy Veteran
USS Kitty Hawk (CVA-63


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